Saturday, November 16, 2013

#6 Steve Jobs' Talk

Usually, I thought Jobs was always talking about I PHONE or other APPLE product, but in this case Jobs really impressed me a lot. In my opinion, those who drop out from school usually don't have a great occasion or earning. But there are many successful examples nowadays, like FACEBOOK founder - Mark Zuckerburg, WINDOWS founder - Bill Gates. And Jobs's childhood was really pathetic than I thought. He not only made such an important decision to drop out, but continue dropped in the courses that he was interested in. I think it is what caused his enterprise so good. Fortunately, he had a wonderful family although he was kicked out from APPLE, it didn't disappoint he but courage he to produce as success as APPLE product - PIXAR, the other one of the most top company in the world. Jobs really influence we a lot in our daily life.  I can't image what the APPLE and PIXAR would become after Jobs dead in the next decade. But Jobs' s story taught me that you don't have to do thing that can't help you but to go ahead for your dream.

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